Changing Time Zones?

This is a issue that has been posted before but was resolved with regard to email sent & delivery notification.

I have version 7.6 & have been tracking the activity on my mail campaigns through the Statistics page. However,
all activity is date stamped with a 2-hour difference to the actual time an email is opened or link clicked.

Is there a way to adjust this? As there is a 7-hour time difference between my location & my server, I do not know where the 2-hour offset comes from.


Staff member
MLM uses the server date. I guess what you see is the time offset between you and your server. Perhaps we could add a setting to add a time offset to the statistics. I take note of that!
The time offset between me and my server is 7 hours, not 2 hours! However, if you do update the program please let me know.



Staff member
I checked the MLM code and indeed the time used is the server time. I have opened a new project to add a preference panel to the Statistics in order to add a time offset.


Staff member
Do you mean all the Deliveries on the left panel? That would be extremely dangerous. I have myself more than 3000 deliveries!
Oh... I only have about 30 active & I like to see the stats all at once. I guess it is a bit 'dangerous' with 3000.

Could you insert a Delete option instead of editing the Deliveries.log?

Is there somewhere alse I should post requests like this??
Maybe, if you could highlight a group & select them for Statistics, rather than a Select All.

In my version 7.6, the page does not expand to full screen. This would make the page easier to use.


Staff member
Maybe, if you could highlight a group & select them for Statistics, rather than a Select All.
I will look at this. I actually wonder why you can't select several entries :?
In my version 7.6, the page does not expand to full screen. This would make the page easier to use.
Do you mean the statistics window?