Change look of wordpress plugin for mlm


New Member
I would like to get rid of the stars between email and firstname and between firstname and lastname and subscribe. How do I do that? I don't know much about html, but opened the plugin to edit and couldn't see that the stars were added somewhere. Look at the attached screen picture of what I want to change. I also would like to remove the word "required". How do I do?


New Member
OK- I figured out that they mean that line is required. Now I would like the stars to land right in front of the words Email, First name, Last name etc. How can that be changed? If it doesn't make sense to me it probably won't to my readers. I found out that I can remove the stars by writing [required=no], but the word required remains. Is there a way of making the letters smaller? That would probably change some of this. So two questions remains:
A way to make the letters smaller. A way to get the stars to be on the same line as the words.


Hi Kristiane,

The size of the text and the position of the required stars is set by the CSS file of the WordPress theme you're using. You need basic CSS knowledge to change that.

Can you share the address of your site with us so we can have a look?
