Capture user ip on link click..


New Member
Hi Folks,

I need to capture the user ip address and add it to mysql database once the user clicks on a link.. Can you point me to the right line in lm.php file for the sql query.. I will modify the table creation for a new list function in lm_functions.php file as well.

Koray Birand


New Member
Ohhh yes just realised the fld_ip field.. I was testing on a localhost so the ip was recorded as "1" thats how I missed it..

One more question.. I have send my newsletter from my home and if I open the same mbm file from my notebook the statistics are not seen. Even though the stats are there in the sql table, Notebook is not capable of seeing it. So in this case am I limited to only see it from the computer I have sent with the right mbm file open ?

Koray Birand