can't unsubscibe emails from remote text imported list in ML


New Member
I exported a list that was made up up customers and put the list in "Lists" directory within MLM. I can subscribe additional users and unsubscribe them, but I cannot unsubscribe any of the users listed on the original uploaded list. I get the error message:
Error: Email address not found, that the email cannot be found on that list;

MBM shows the remote list as having that name/email address. What's wrong--how do I troubleshoot? I have not purchased the the products yet until I resolve the functionality issues. Do I need to do that first?


Staff member
To upload a list you have to use the upload form 'upload_list.php' inside the html folder. That will create your list properly.


New Member
I figured out what I did was use a comma, not tab separated txt export to start the list--it appeared but did not function right. I retried with tab option at export and now all is good I think.

Thanks. It would be great if you had a manual in one place that really had step-by-step examples integrated with MLM. It is very disjointed as I have had to fish the forums and all the other various support docs and FAQs to learn what is going on. A lot of trial and error for me though I think the product is great.


New Member
Can't unsubscribe also

I have this same issue. Here are the steps I took:

Using MaxBulk - exported a list to a text file

Transferred this text file to the import dir in MLM

Ran the upload list process

with the update action.

The remote list worked great - all the new emails are there. Now - I want to delete an entry that is no longer a working email.

I used the form page to unsubscribe and received the message that the email does not exist. I did verify that it existed. By the way, the email has both capital and small letters, and I see that the script reports that the email, only with small letters, does not exist.

I also tried, using mlm.php directoy to remove the address

using the admin password to bypass the double opt in method.

still -- cannot find the email

Not sure what else to try! suggestions?


New Member

Actually -- it looks like all parameters and changed to lowercase, however, the IMPORT function must be missing that change to lowercase.

So - unless the script is updated to also put all email fields to lower case on import, we need to make sure that the file we upload to the imports folder has emails as all lowercase.

OK - so what to do now? The files have only owner "w" permission and the owner is no longer me! The owner is "99" with group "99" --- what is that? Since I have no shell access, and no su or sudo privledge, to modify these files is going to be a problem!


Staff member
The owner is the script actually. Servers work than way.

So you say you import a list and now you want to unsubscribe one entry and he says it doesn't exist?


New Member
Yes -- exactly

I have an email such as, [email protected] which will never compare successfully to [email protected]

I am sure that is the problem.

So - I can uninstall the lists, and start over, making sure that all emails are lowercase only.

I tried to use MySQL but that is useless. My hosting service does not give full access. So - I manually created the database and table --- but still no luck. On an import the web page simply and quietly comes back blank.

I will have to embed additional debug echos to see what is happening


Staff member

function ImportList( $filepath )

$email     = mysql_escape_string( $field[3] );
$email     = strtolower( mysql_escape_string( $field[3] ) );
if ( isEmailValid( $field[3] ) ) {
$record  = $field[0] . "\t" . $field[1] . "\t" . $field[2] . "\t" . $field[3] . "\t";
if ( isEmailValid( strtolower( $field[3] ) ) ) {
$record  = $field[0] . "\t" . $field[1] . "\t" . $field[2] . "\t" . strtolower( $field[3] ) . "\t";
That should fix the case problem. Note that we are simply using the function strtolower() that lowercases the email address.

About the blank import return page, that could be because your server settings are not appropriate. After the include line(s) add:
if ( !ini_get('safe_mode') ) { @set_time_limit(1800); } // Set script maximum execution time


New Member
stanbusk said:
To upload a list you have to use the upload form 'upload_list.php' inside the html folder. That will create your list properly.

I like the ability to create lists myself using my own tools. For many years I have used CSV (comma[or whatever delimiter such as semi-colon] separated value) text files.

I notice that MBM uses primarily tab-delimited rather than CSV files. I would suggest that you create native compatibility with the CSV format, in addition to the tab format, as I believe CSV is far more popular. That should also increase your sales.

What do you think? Will that happen soon?


Staff member
In my opinion, Tab delimited files are easier to manage and cause much less issues than CSV files. You just need one line of code to handle a Tab delimited file because of its amazing simplicity. You need at least a dozen to properly handle CSV files (with code to correct possible format errors). I have seen wrongly formatted CSV files very often. I have never seen a wrongly formatted Tab file so far. Tab files are also smaller, they will transfer faster and since most PHP servers have a limited amount of time allocated to the script, it is better to use Tab files as they will be processed faster. Actually you can parse a Tab file to a PHP array instantaneously whichever its size. This is not possible with CSV. Anyway I take note of your request.