Can't type some letter. Is this bug?


New Member
I use iCash with 2 language keyboard (Eng/Thai). That contains 2 letters in one keyboard's letter.
I usually switch between 2 language by press '~' .

When I add [Accout]. I can't type some letter like ';' in [Name] and [Comment].
I guess this letter is forbidden word for iCash.

But when I switch keyboard language to Thai, I can't type that letter (in Thai) too.

Is this bug? could you fix it in next version?



Staff member
Indeed those two fields have the :;^| characters forbidden. Is this a problem for you?


New Member

I think this is problem for everyone that use 2 language like Japanese, Chinese, etc..

Although two language characters is on the same keyboard's letter. but it has different key ascii.

Could you use key ascii of :;^| instead?


Staff member
This is quite difficult actually. Anyway I am not sure to understand well the problem. What effect has it on you?


New Member
Sorry for my poor english :oops:

Imagination if you can't type charector 'a' in [Name] or [Comment] becuz it is forbidden word.

ei,, is it posible to cancel all forbidden words?


New Member

I have a problem with writing russian letters in a comments.
My system: Windows 7 Russian version (in XP SP3 Russian same problem).

I can't write following characters:
Symbol -> ASCII -> Eng. keyboard key
'–∫' -> 0xEA -> 'r'
'–ª' -> 0xEB -> 'k'
'–ü' -> 0xCF -> 'G'
'–û' -> 0xCE -> 'J'
'Ч' -> 0xD7 -> 'X' instead printed symbol '’' - 0x92
':' and ';'

Very inconvenient work on russian, with this shortcoming.

I understand symbols ':' and ';' prohibited, and other too?
Will be fixed?


Staff member
The very only character that is not allowed is ':' because it is used as a category separator by lots of finance software. We only prevent you to add that character. We do not prevent any other character. Are you sure your system is correctly set?


New Member

Same problem. (WinXP SP3 iCash 5.5).
Can't write some symbols in Account Name and Comments on same Form:

(ASCII table code as for code page CP1251)
Symbol -> ASCII(CP1251) -> ASCII(UNICODE) -> Eng. keyboard key
'–∫' - 0xAA - 0x043A - 'r'
'–ª' - 0xAB - 0x043B - 'k'
'–ß' - 0x97 - 0x0427 - 'X' instead printed symbol " ' " - 0x27 - 0x27
':' and ';'

About the last row - I understand restrictions applied to field [Account Name], but I don't for [Comments].

P.S. About previous post. As ASCII code the Author used short form from standart system utility "Symbols table" used with filter "Windows: Cyrillic".


New Member
PS. I think the problem is in how you manage Unicode (2byte) symbols
because of this:

First look at letters we can't use and their Unicode codes, especially on last byte

Symbol -> ASCII(CP1251) -> ASCII(UNICODE) -> Eng. keyboard key
'–∫' - 0xAA - 0x043A - 'r'
'–ª' - 0xAB - 0x043B - 'k'
'–ß' - 0x97 - 0x0427 - 'X' instead printed symbol " ' " - 0x27 - 0x27

take an attentive look on the last row
and then look here

Symbol -> ASCII(CP1251) -> ASCII(UNICODE) -> Eng. keyboard key
' ' '- 0x27 - 0x0027
':' - 0x3A - 0x003A
';' - 0x3B - 0x003B

See? If you compare in code only last byte (two last digits) you will have problems described in that hive. Posible it can happen if you use event OnKeyPress instead of OnKeyDown which use input paramenters
(ch: Byte) and (Key: word) respectively.


New Member
P.S. Your 'On input' characters validation do not solve problev of ':' and ';' symbols in account names. For example: I typed ":test" in another window then copy-pasted it in field [Account Name], after that I pressed key "Add"... and Account ":Test" was successfully added.