Cannot refresh/alter a Mailing-List via upload


New Member
Hi there,

new to Max Bulk I like the programm much. Found out ow it works with sign-on/off, Webspace etc. Great. My problem: I habe a list in the Programm, and can upload (in the German version: Empfänger -> Hochladen auf LML..." the list if new.

If I than add or alter list members and again try to upload the list, the in the picture shown erroe in red occurs (not very specific) and the list is NOT updated and new members ar NOT on it.

The webspace is correctly mentioned in the Options. I can open the web-interface as admin. I see the list - and that the changes do not take place.

What might go wrong?



New Member

i am currently just testing, therefore there are only about ten members on the list.

Version: where can I see that information. I use MaxBulk 8.4.4-de Pro-Version with MLM version 3.1.1

Some further MLM information:

PHP version: 5.3.6 (Safe mode OFF)
max_execution_time = 1800 seconds
max_input_time = 60 seconds
memory_limit = 256M
post_max_size = 500M
upload_max_filesize = 500M
display_errors = off
register_globals =

For me it seems that the "error hint" (s. picture) might be issued though the things might work? Is there any possibility to get more specific information why that error is thrown?

Kind regards,