Can color of a link to url be different than blue?

We have never used CSS but have used HTML. (Took a class in it a few years back.) When we see the tutorials link you sent us in last message, we cannot find how to get to the HTML or CSS code within MBM to experiment with adding code. How do we get to the code to change the URL color?
Can I change link color if I use "styled text"? Using "styled text" I tried this, but was mostly stabbing in the dark.

<font color="#FFFF00"><<>></font>

I made the a link after I wrote in the HTML so that the hyperlink would be yellow in a black background with the rest of the text white and a picture included (thus using black background to make the picture be more dramatic.).

Is there a disadvantage to "Styled text"? It seems to work very well on preview.

Maybe I am stuck with an unlinked URL.


Staff member
You can change link colors using the HTML format only. Since you have to add a CSS you can't use the Styled Text format.
If "styled text" is working, is it worth the change: In other words, if our list is small, if we deliver very slowly on line, does our specific use get handicapped in any way if we use "styled text"? We already installed MLM, first go-at-it, and want to start broadcasting, but will make this adjustment if mySQL (Whatever that is on a MacPro, home office, small network...) is significantly (?) better.


Staff member
Styled Text is converted to HTML actually. You can even see the generated code going to the preview and selecting 'View Source' from the 'eye' icon menu.
I tried, but doing so just gave "idle" as the response.

Also, once again, if not a busy site, although I am "responsible" for my decision, other than the password benefit of mySQL and ability to change link color, any other disadvantages. Speed is not a problem thus far.