Calculator questions and wish list


Hi! :)

I've been making good use of the calculator in the amount field of the transaction panel and now have some questions and comments for you.

Question 1:

Why do I have to input a 0 preceding a number with a decimal? :?


5.29 - .15 =

results in: 5.2915

I have to input

5.29 - 0.15 =

to do the calculation.

Question #2:

Would it be possible to enhance the calculator so that when you tab or mouse to the amount field, that if you type in a number and press an operator (eg. + - / *) that the calculator would automatically come up with your number and operator already entered? Then you would just continue entering the remainder of the equation.

As well, it would be nice if when you tabbed to the field, if you just pressed the operator, the calculator would come up with the number that was already in the field with the operator you entered.

Question #3:

As a future enhancement, would it be possible to enable the delete or backspace key to delete one number back at a time on the display so you can make corrections to you calculation without having to start all over again by using the C or AC key?

Question #4:

As a future enhancement, would it be possible to also have a key combination to paste the answer into the field in addition to the current method of selecting paste with your mouse button.

Thanks for providing users an opportunity to pass on ideas and continuing to build such a easy to use product. :D


Staff member
About #1, this is a limitation of the interface. It needs the whole number. I will look into that anyway.

About #2, do you mean you wan to enter an expression into the amount field with +-*/ operators and get the software calculate the result?

About #3, not sure I understand this one.

About #4, not sure I understand this one either. Any example?


Hi! I'll see if I can make it more clear.
By the way, only #1 is a real frustration in my opinion. The others are really just nice to haves.

Question #2 - If I move into the amount field and type 123 + The result would be that the calculator would come up, 123 would show on the display and it would already have the + input so that I would only have to key in the next number and = (e.g 456 =) to get the result 579.

Or, if I tabbed to the amount field which already had a value in it like 123. If I pressed the + without inputting any other number, then the calculator would come up using the number originally in the field (123) and again, I would just key the next number in the equation e.g. 456 = to get 579.

Question #3 - When I'm using the calculator, I input a number like 1579 and realize it should have been 1578. Could I press the delete or backspace key to delete the 9 and then type 8 (if I press the backspace key 2x it would delete the 9 and then the 7 etc ). The regular calculator on my IMac has this feature and I'm so used to it I assume I can always do it. It was just a thought.

Question #4 - After I've got my answer on the calculator, currently I use my mouse to select the Paste button at the bottom of the calculator. I just wondered if it could be enhanced that instead of clicking I could just use a key combination like Command + V or something to input the answer into the amount field.

I love being able to point and click, but I find if I am doing a lot of input where I am mainly typing to enter, I'd rather move to my mouse as little as possible. So having the option to either click, or to use a key combination is always handy in my situation.

Thanks again, hope I haven't made it more confusing. :? Let me know if I have. No worries. :wink:


Staff member
#1 Done.
#2 Done.
#3 Done. Delete only right now. Backspace key is for 'Clear' right now.
#4 Return key already does that.