Calculating Budget: progress bar stops


New Member
iCash 7.5.1-DE

Hi all

When I try to calculate a new budget the first time, I see that the numbers are entered. The progress bar is running, but one cm before the end it stops.
After a looong time I decided to abort the program.
After relaunching the budget can be selected and recalculated. I hope the results are correct.

Is there some thing I could do better?

Thanks for solving/helping!

Regards from Switzerland


Staff member
Try to reindex your iCash document. Close it, select it from the iCash File Manager, click on the 'Tools' button on the right and select the 'Rebuild Index' menu. Then open your document and try to calculate your budget again.


New Member
Thanks for you reply.

This procedure doesn't change the behaviour.
B.T.W. I have the same effect when I do this with brand new database, just created with the home preset accounts.
Create it
Goto Budget
Select New Budget...

Same effect.
With a filled database the progress bar takes a bit longer and before staying it makes a small step back.
(I've attached a screenshot.)

Any other open databases in other windows can be closed. This shows me the program hasn't crashed totally.

Please note that a created new budget can be used after forced shut down an restart without any - noticeable - problems.
This also means it is - no more - a big problem for myself. But it seems still to be a bug in iCash, that I appreciate a lot!

Thanks for that very good tool!

BR Urs