

New Member
Hi! The Programm is really perfect.
But please fix one bug (mac version).
When u close FTP Disk with a button X, the window closes, but u can't open it with a click on an icon.
Please fix it!


Staff member
Not sure I understand, you close the very only FTP Disk window you have with the red x button, right? Then all you have left is the FTP Disk menu on the top of the screen. Don't the 'File > New' menu and the Cmd-N shortcut create a new FTP Disk window? OR maybe what you want is to make FTP Disk to create a new Window by clicking on its icon on the Dock? Is that it?


New Member
I have ftpdisk icon in the dock.
Ftpdisk is offline (not in use).
I click on this icon, the main window appears. Everything is fine.
But...if u close X the ftpdisk, it goes to the dock (like every mac programm), but it is still online (in use). And... if u click on the icon (want to use ftpdisk for the second time) - nothing happens. The main window doesn't appear.

The problem is to use ftpdisk after it was closed by clicking X. Nothing happens when u click on ftpdisk icon in the dock after it was closed in such way. No window appears.

If u close ftpdisk by cmdQ - no problem.
But if u close ftpdisk by X - problem.

Please fix it.


New Member
Thanks for the fix. It works now. :)
But why when u close X and after u open main window from the dock it goes right and down? :(
Can u make the fix: when u open ftpdisk from the dock it goes to the same place and size before it was closed?


Staff member
Sorry but I don't understand, a new window is always created on the same place the old one was closed. All our software works that way.


New Member
stanbusk said:
Sorry but I don't understand, a new window is always created on the same place the old one was closed. All our software works that way.
Just open ftpdisk to fullscreen mode, close it (not quit), and open again (the same window). The window goes right (1cm) and down (1cm).
Can u fix, that it goes to previous position?


Staff member
I fixed that but I will not make FTP Disk to quit when you click on the close button. Indeed, FTP Disk is a multi-document application. You can have several documents opened.


Staff member
Because this application is a multi-document application. What you ask is for mono-document applications.