Blank Tags Problem


New Member
I'm sending a group email with a tag in the message body. The field for this tag is blank for some of the recipients.

When sending myself a test message, the title for that tag appears on my email. I'm assuming this will happen with all of my group emails as well.

For example, if there's nothing in the [Opt4] field for that recipient, the email will show "[Opt4]."

I really want this to be a blank line unless I've added some information to that field.

How do I do this?

I hope this makes sense. Thanks.


P.S. I'm using MaxBulk Mail 8.4.7


Staff member
MaxBulk Mailer replaces the tags with the data. If the data is '' then you will see ''. That is always true except when sending a message to yourself with the Test Mode activated. Also note that the 'Singly' option in the settings panel has to be activated.


New Member
Thanks for the fast reply. So, to summarize, when the data field is blank for some of the records, the tag (i.e. "[Opt4]") will show up on the test email only. In the actual emails sent to clients, the tag will disappear and become a blank line.

Is that correct?

All the best,