blank emails for some customers


Hello there

We are a small group of teachers in Victoria, Canada. We publish an educational newsletter and we keep in contact with our subscribers using MBM.

We recently sent out info re our September issue and we are receiving a lot of messages from customers saying that our email is blank or it is almost blank and only contains the letter ‘i’ in the body of the text (instead of our letter.) These are our regular customers and there are always a few problems, but nothing like this has ever happened. There does not seem to be any sort of pattern -- different teachers in different cities are telling us this. We are using version 7.9

Has anyone else experienced any similar issues?

Thanks in advance for your time.

Eric W.


Staff member
What format are you you using for your message? What software are using for affected recipients?


Hi Stan

Re the first question -- I'm using styled text.

Re the second question -- I'm sorry but I don't understand.

What software are using for affected recipients?

Nothing has changed over the past year or so. Its the same letter that we send each month. Only the password is changed each month.



Staff member
I mean, what software are using the recipient to read the emails? Outlook? Are the affected users all using the same software? Did you design your message differently? Did you paste text from Word?


There are a few thousand recipients and I have no idea what software they are using.

This is what I know -- we have used the same notification letter over and over again. We only change the month and the password (two words in a 100 word letter). We get occasional 'problem' emails and we understand this is part of the process.

Now we upgrade to the latest version of MBM, send out the Sept. notification letter to our customers and we get a whole wack of people from all across the country telling us the email we sent them is blank or only contains the letter 'i'. The problem must be with the program since we have not done anything different.

What can we do to fix this? Please advise ASAP. We have a lot of unhappy and confused customers.

The problem must be with MBM.


Staff member
MBM 7.9 was build with the same compiler and the only changes are:

[Upg] Dragging and Dropping recipients between lists holding the ALT/Option key now retains the subscribe and checked statuses.
[Chg] When canceling the unsent recipient count is now properly computed when sending to a selection of recipients.
[Chg] Sending to selection now checks the delivery status of each selected recipient. To resend, set the recipient to Unsent first.
[Chg] Connection drops handler rewritten and move the a better place in code.
[Fix] Sending to selection now uses all selected connections, the proper interval and displays current and pending deliveries properly.
[Fix] First group wrongly set to selected group minus 1. Now all groups have the same size.
[Fix] Crashguard system showing duplicate alerts in given occasions, especially after several connection drops.
[Fix] The combination of 'Send to Selection' and connection drops sending duplicates messages in given occasions.
[Fix] Confirmation dialog now displayed when selecting a new import preset with unsaved changes in previous preset.
[Fix] It is now possible to remove an import preset right after creating it.

[New] New Feature
[Opt] Optimization
[Fix] Bug Fix
[Chg] Changes Previous Functionality
[Upg] Enhancement

I haven't touched anything related to sending messages, message formatting...


Hi back Stan

By way of example . . .

We have a database of 400+ subscribers for one of our publications. During the last school year, we were sending monthly notifications to this list with minimal changes -- e.g. month name and new password to replace the old password.

We sent out the September email yesterday to this database and as of this morning, we already have over 25 customers telling us the email is blank.

What possible explanation can there be? We have not changed anything on our end.


HI Stan

I just sent you five files and I opened a support ticket.

It seems that I am not the only one experiencing this issue:

Yahoo Text in Emails not showing up


Eric W.


Staff member
This thread is a HTML rending problem on Yahoo. It has no relation. HMTL problems are fixed modifying the code and making it compatible with emailing.


New Member

J'ai aussi ce problème depuis la dernière mise à jour.
De nombreux destinataires reçoivent un mail vide.

C'est un gros problème, ça ne fait pas sérieux

Je vais être obligé d'abandonner MaxBulk si pas de solution


Staff member
Le problème est sur votre système. C'est pour cette raison qu'il y a deux ou trois cas recensées jusqu'à présent. La version 7.9.2 arrange ce problème. Cette version sera disponible la semaine prochaine. En attendant n'utilisez pas 'Times' comme font dans vos messages.


New Member
I have been having the same problem with for some time now. I Read thought all this and didn't see a solution. Was a solution found? I posted in this forum the same problem a while back and didn't find an answer. I really like the software and hope to figure it out soon.


Staff member
7.9.2 will be available soon. It fixes problems when the System returns garbled font names. That will fix the problem.