BASE HREF syntax error in format "web page" on OS


New Member
Hello -

I am testing the the OS X version of MaxBulk Mailer 4.4.1 for OS X. I used the "web page" format, supplied the URL and then sent the email. It didn't show up properly on Yahoo Mail, Gmail nor Hotmail.

It looks like the issue might be related to an HTML syntax error. The BASE HREF tag that is inserted into the web page is missing the closing bracket as showng below.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
	<title>Coalition Briefs</title>
	<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text-html; charset=utf-8" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

<body style="background: #eeeeee;">

This is an issue even if I define the BASE HREF URL. Is there any way around this?


Staff member
MaxBulk sends the HTML page untouched right now. It doesn't add any BASE HREF. You can fill a feature request if you wish thru our helpdesk.


New Member
But this isn't really the case. Take a look at the code sample. BASE HREF is nowhere in the original HTML web page file. Is there another explaination of how it got in there?


Staff member
MaxBulk Mailer is prepared to insert BASE HREF in given cases (I thought it didn't).

Without a BASE HREF tag none of the pictures with relative URLs would be displayed however WebMails systems use to give problems with that tag.


New Member
The web page I am sending has absolute URLs, so I don't need a BASE HREF tag - especially if the one being entered has bad syntax.


Staff member
Why do you think it has bad syntax? By the way, BASE HREF has no effect if your are using absolute URLs (afaik)


New Member
If you look at the code snippet above, you will see that the BASE tag is missing the trailing ">" character to properly close the tag.