Baffled - newbie questions


New Member
I'm testing out MacMailer + MLM and have some problems and trouble understanding some stuff. Any help appreciated!

1. Can't install MLM via 'Upload MLM'
I've followed the instructions on the site and have tried to upload the MLM module. The problem is the upload seems to stall during the process. I have manually uploaded the files, edited the .php script and have some other issues that might indicate mis-configuration. It would be good if the 'Install MLM...' option worked...

150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for file list
226 Transfer complete
> CWD /docs/scripts/lm
250 CWD command successful
257 "/docs/scripts/lm" is the current directory
> CWD /docs/scripts/lm/html
250 CWD command successful
257 "/docs/scripts/lm/html" is the current directory
> CWD /docs/scripts/lm/html
250 CWD command successful
> SIZE index.html
550 SIZE not allowed in ASCII mode
227 Entering Passive Mode (203,90,26,109,145,137).
200 Type set to A
> STOR index.html
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for index.html
> CWD /docs/scripts/lm/html
226 Transfer complete
250 CWD command successful
> SIZE subscribe_auto_multiple.php
550 SIZE not allowed in ASCII mode
227 Entering Passive Mode (203,90,26,109,228,5).
> STOR subscribe_auto_multiple.php
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for subscribe_auto_multiple.php
> CWD /docs/scripts/lm/html
250 CWD command successful
> SIZE subscribe_auto_single.php
550 SIZE not allowed in ASCII mode
226 Transfer complete

2. Understanding MLM lists
I can't find in the manual an explanation of how the local MaxMailer List relates to the Remote list. I assume that they're 2 completely separate lists and there is a manual interchange between them. Effectively, that means that for people who want to use subscribe/unsubscribe etc, it's Remote Lists. I haven't yet dug into the Bounced Mail module but does this work on local lists or both remote and local lists?

3. Uploading Lists to MLM
I can't upload lists to the MLM via the MaxMail 'Upload' UI. I do this:
- create a local list, add some addresses, save it
- Choose Recipients > Upload to MLM...
- Choose the list to upload
- Try to choose a list in the 'To' List but the drop-down doesn't drop down so I can't do that

4. Is MLM working?
I subscribed myself to the MLM list, received a confirmation e-mail, clicked the link and got a 'Success' e-mail. Logging onto /lm/lm.php showed a 'list1' list with the subscription details, so it looks like that's all working. Problem is, in MaxMailer, when I select 'Remote List', the list of subscribers is empty.

It seems to me like MLM isn't talking to MaxMailer - is this possible? Is there a log somewhere that might give me a clue as to what's going on?

Any help appreciated!



Staff member
1. Can't install MLM via 'Upload MLM'
I've followed the instructions on the site and have tried to upload the MLM module. The problem is the upload seems to stall during the process. I have manually uploaded the files, edited the .php script and have some other issues that might indicate mis-configuration. It would be good if the 'Install MLM...' option worked...
Read the following page, 'Installation Errors – How to install MLM manually' paragraph.
2. Understanding MLM lists
I can't find in the manual an explanation of how the local MaxMailer List relates to the Remote list. I assume that they're 2 completely separate lists and there is a manual interchange between them. Effectively, that means that for people who want to use subscribe/unsubscribe etc, it's Remote Lists. I haven't yet dug into the Bounced Mail module but does this work on local lists or both remote and local lists?
There are no relations between local and remote lists, they are two completely different things. However you can use the [Unsubscribe] tag in your messages for local list as well. MLM will detect the list is local and will handle the unsubscribes by showing you a window with the unsubscribed addresses when you select the local list.
3. Uploading Lists to MLM
I can't upload lists to the MLM via the MaxMail 'Upload' UI. I do this:
- create a local list, add some addresses, save it
- Choose Recipients > Upload to MLM...
- Choose the list to upload
- Try to choose a list in the 'To' List but the drop-down doesn't drop down so I can't do that
First you should test whether MLM is correctly installed on your server. The best is to log in to MLM with your browser, try to create a list and try to add a recipient to it. Can you do all that without errors?
4. Is MLM working?
I subscribed myself to the MLM list, received a confirmation e-mail, clicked the link and got a 'Success' e-mail. Logging onto /lm/lm.php showed a 'list1' list with the subscription details, so it looks like that's all working. Problem is, in MaxMailer, when I select 'Remote List', the list of subscribers is empty.
When you select 'Remote Lists' do you see you list? What URL have you entered in MaxBulk Mailer for MLM?


New Member
OK I have it working. Transmit wasn't setting the permissions through the entire directory tree. I'll have a muck around and no doubt be back to you!




New Member
4 questions...

In the MaxBulk Mail UI, when I select 'Remote Lists', the lists appear in the top pane. When I select a list there, should the list contents populate the bottom pane? I've confirmed that the list has content (424 entries) and can see them in the WebUI...

Second, how do I specify a remote list to subscribe to from my website link?

Are all the conditional selectors available from an MLM list or only local?

Finally, is there a MLM manual? Needs one!



Staff member
In the MaxBulk Mail UI, when I select 'Remote Lists', the lists appear in the top pane. When I select a list there, should the list contents populate the bottom pane? I've confirmed that the list has content (424 entries) and can see them in the WebUI...
Yes but you have to check the list, not just select it. Use the checkbox on the left.
Second, how do I specify a remote list to subscribe to from my website link?
You have several examples in the lm/html/ folders, some of them are automatic others require modifications.
Are all the conditional selectors available from an MLM list or only local?
Yes, there are no differences.
Finally, is there a MLM manual? Needs one!
Yes, its is available here.