Automating recipient importing


New Member
I have contacts stored in a database (.dbf file) and would like programatically extract the e-mail address from the DB then import them in to MBM. The reason I'm asking is that I would like to automate the import process. Is there a method to do this? Are there APIs that allow me to connect to the recipient list?

Alternatively, where/how are the lists stored.

I understand that MBM can import from a database, but I would like to automate the import. So it can run nightly, for example.



Staff member
Do you have the possibility to export entries from your database as a plain text file? This is the easier way actually. You can then use the MaxBulk 'File | Import | From a Text file' menu.

Lists are saved here:

Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<your_account_name>\My Documents\Maxprog\MaxBulk Mailer\Lists\
Vista : C:\Users\<your_account_name>\Documents\Maxprog\MaxBulk Mailer\Lists\
Mac OS X: ~/Documents/Maxprog/MaxBulk Mailer/Lists


New Member
Yes, I can export my DB to a text file. What I'm interested in is how to automate the importing of the text file into MaxBulk. Like if I want to run a scheduled task instead of manually doing it.

I'm programatically exporting the data from my DB with ADO, so hopefully I can programatically import it into MaxBulk.



Staff member
If your export file has its fields in the same order as MaxBulk Mailer you could simply drag and drop it onto MaxBulk Mailer recipient list. This is not automatic but it is easier.


New Member
Ok. I really want to buy this program, but I HAVE to a way of automating the imports. So, I'm exploring the Remote Lists feature and have installed MLM to my website. I found upload_list.php and think I might be able to use this for automation.

I think I can do an http call to ... pload=data

I'm not sure what should go in "&upload="
I'm thinking it has to be the path to the file with the e-mail addresses but it's not taking it.

Can you give me a clue about how to complete this.

Thank you very much


Staff member
Actually you can't do that as the upload form use the POST method. When you use a URL with visible parameters you are using the GET method. MLM upload script only works with the POST method.