Automatic 'Your Unsubscribe Request Confirmation' Email


New Member
Hello Stan, Forum,

For a while the unsubscribe was not working for me, but today in preview I saw that if I put the command lm/lm/lm.php?cmd=unsubscribe&email=[E-mail Address] I could unsubscribe myself from the list, and it takes about a few seconds before the list is updated.

I also noticed that I received an automatic email from the email I use to run the MaxProg account, with the heading 'Your Unsubscribe Request Confirmation Email.'


1. I did not set this email up and I would like to change the copy in the same. How can I access that email ?

2. Anyway to have that email not go through so that after they click the unsubscribe link they are only taken to the page and that's it?

3. Where do the unsubscribed emails go ? I see that the emails are taken away from the list, but how do I access a copy of my unsubscribes?



New Member
Hello Stan, Forum

Now, I have found the place where that automatic email is saved in the Templates. I have changed the copy in that email for the meantime, but I would still want to:

1. Know how to disable that email from firing so that after they unsubscribe.

2. In case the email has to go then to change the email from what is I used to subscribe to the email to a functional one, marketing@...

3. Collect all the unsubscribes.



Staff member
You can edit all settings from:

- lm_settings.php
- lm_prefs.php

lm_prefs.php lets you access more advanced settings.