Auto Complete


New Member
I Have just installed current update, auto complete for Origin Account and Target Account has stopped working, I have checked preferences and this option is ticked.


New Member
I did the reindex and it still did not work as i used to. But I have now figured out that the fields have become case sensitive. It has not been like that before.
Kind regards


Staff member
7.4.2 is supposed to fix this problem. I actually released that version after I get the confirmation from several users it was fixing the problem. Now I am really really puzzled :-/


New Member
Just to clarify.
In version 7.4.1 (and all previous versions) I could start filling a field with some letters (and the rest was auto completed) and it did not matter whether I started with a lower case letter, it would still find the word that had earlier been used/saved starting with an upper case letter.
In version 7.4.2 I have to start with the upper case letter if the word is saved with upper case and with lower case if the word is saved with a lower case.
Two fields still work like it used to in 7.4.1, The transaction type and the Project.
So it is not the auto completion that is not working, it is that I have to always use the same case.


Staff member
I will have a look but as I told you this version is supposed to fix this problem and it actually fix it with lots of users. The problem here is Lion making the database to be case-sensitive. I will update the database engine to very last available version soon.


New Member
I am also facing same problem with V 7.4.2 in German.

Auto completion is case sensitive now (except for transaction type and project). This makes data input much more complicated.

Will this be reversed and if so in which version?

Cheers, Benjamin
Spanish side has changed also, Now we have to write the First letter in the proper case.
On my opinion it was better when the autocomplete was not case sensitive, i would vote to keep it as it was in the latest version

Thxs in advance


New Member
I am having the same problem. I can autocomplete in transaction type, origin account but not in target account nor payee. Even if I type all of the letters it makes no difference. I have tried running "Check data" and also disabling/enabling Preferences/Activate Transaction Auto-completion. Nothing seems to fix this issue. I am running v742. Thank you.


New Member
Now I have just spotted your remark about the new case sensitivity and so by using a capital letter at the start of each item it does now result in auto-complete working. However, it just slows down data input unnecessarily - and makes it error-prone: the old cApSLOck prObLEm!


New Member
When entering transactions, I have noticed that the "Transaction type" field at the bottom left of the screen in the transaction entry area is NOT case-sensitive.

I also notice that rotating the small arrow to the left of the word "Transaction" so as to hide/unhide the transaction entry area results in screen corruption of the bottom portion of that area.

However, tabbing in Windows using Alt+tab to switch to another program results in the corruption going away and the area being re-painted. Though, ass far as I can determine, the other program's screen has to be in the same screen area as the corrupted portion of the iCash screen.


New Member
Have just installed 7.4.2 and Auto select works if upper case is used for the 1st char. before I could use either upper or lower case.