Attachments not received by recipiants


New Member
Using the mailer set to singly it seems not all of my customers get the xl or pdf attachments, when i send them using outlook they get through ..... using the same email host ..... any ideas?



New Member
unfortunately that will make the process far too slow..... i just do not want to experiment with customers and previously i did not have an issue. i have recently put the mailer on a new mac and since then I have encountered this prob. thought it may just be a setting type.....



Staff member
This is just an hour. You have to understand that the slower you send a message the best. Overloading email servers is not a good idea. What is most important, how fast you will finish sending or how many users will receive your message correctly because you did not overload the server? Right now you are sending 500Mb in attachments.

Jerry Cline

New Member
Not all attachments reach the destination:
Hardware: MacBook Pro 2.5GHz Intel Core i7, Lion OS X 10.7.3, 4GB 1333 MHz DDR3
Software: MacBulk Mailer 8.3.5-US; Pro-Registered
Attachment: 1 MB PDF file
Mailed quantity: 503
Singly: Deactivated

Three different embarrassing mailings within the last two weeks:
Tried sending two batches 300 each, several complaints of "no attachment received."
Tried sending in smaller batches, 100 every ten minutes, several complaints, "no attachment received." Other variations of slowness gave same/similar results.

Transfer all addresses to Apple Mail BCC, transfer text and attachments to Apple mail body, send in two batches max 395 (My IP imposes a limit of 400 per send) then immediately send remaining balance 108 (within a minute or so). Total success! All 503 addresses sent within a period of 5 minutes. No complaints

It takes more prep time to use Apple Mail, but I have been using the above mentioned Apple Mail send procedure for the last two years, and never a problem; I changed to MaxBulk Mail-Pro hoping to improve and make the send procedure easier. Now I have an embarrassing failure rate of "no attachments received."

The attachment is a report to the Mayor, City Council Members the local police; Police Chiefs, Lieutenants and on down the chain which includes several hundred civilians.



Staff member
Same with MaxBulk Mailer, deactivate the 'Singly' option and instead of sending 500Mb of data thru the SMTP channel you will be able to send one attachment per xxx recipients as Apple Mail does. Deactivating the 'Singly' option is like the Apple Mail Bcc mode.

If you want to maintain the 'Singly' option activated and send customized messages I highly recommend you to upload your PDF to your web server and just send a link to it.

Jerry Cline

New Member
Not all attachments reach all destinations:

As noted in an earlier post in this thread: When MaxBulk Mailer-Pro is used, all recipients do not receive the attachment. In truth, I actually send two attachments, a 59K JPG header and a 1MB PDF report; The JPG is at the very top, and the PDF is at or near the bottom of the message. The JPG is always received, but the PDF, not so much.

I experienced failure today when using MaxBulk Mailer-Pro Maybe 100 out of 500 did not get the attachment. I wasted the day on this project that normally takes about 60 minutes.

"Speed of send" seems to be the only reason stated for possible failure. however, in my situation, there is absolutely no corroboration or correlation in that claim, because empirically, it can be and has been demonstrated that Apple Mail can send (in my system) up to 399 per send, SWOOSH and its gone!... and without failure of missing attachments. Also as noted earlier, I've been working this project using Apple Mail for a couple of years with never a problem... until I changed to MaxBulk Mailer-Pro.

To make sure everyone got the report today, I opened an Apple Mail new document, then copied and pasted from MaxBulk Mailer-Pro window into the Apple Mail document.

I then copied that Mail document to create two (my send limit with is 400 per message, no limit otherwise).

I pasted 250 recipients in the first send's BCC field, and 253 recipients in the second send's BCC field.

Before sending, I revealed the Apple Mail Activity window to show the progress and timing of the message group being sent. Each send of ~250 messages each finished in ten seconds. That is to say, in two sends, I sent 503 messages in all, it was less than 60 seconds and I was finished.

So far, all who called say: "Report received!

Bottom line: $60 for a lame mail application and much embarrassment because of my apparent unprofessional results.