Attached pdfs are not available to some recipients


New Member
I have tried to send pdfs but most of my recipients except Mac users only see a red cross on a white background.

I followed the guidance in the manual and dropped the pdf into the attachments window. On my first attempt I placed the link inline and that didn't work (I see some comments in previous posts that inline pdf aren't possible but the manual doesn't say so.

Then I tried putting the link at the bottom of the message, still no luck. A respondent said "In neither message does the PDF show correctly in my email program (Thunderbird), although it is clearly there in the raw message! This may be due to the fact that it is flagged as 'Content-Disposition: inline' rather than 'Content Disposition: Attachment'. You may need to change a setting on your email program for this to work properly." Can I change such a setting? I've now sent the pdf successfully using Apple Mail with the attachment placed at the end of the message.

Help please


Staff member
Are you trying to display the PDF as a picture in your message? If so, this is wrong, only JPG, PNG and GIF are allowed. If the PDF is just a document then just add it to the attachment panel.

Anyway one more time I have to recommend in this forum that the best way to send a PDF is storing it on your site and sending a link to it on your message. Your message will send faster and will be fetched faster.


New Member
I am having a similar issue with PDF attachments (I drag the PDF to the attachment window of the message). I bcc myself on all messages and when I look at the messages sent, the PDF attachment are there. But I receive numerous responses saying the PDF attachment is not in the email. Creating a link to a PDF on our site is not an option for us. I would think this is a fairly standard and important option. Is this just a bug or is there something I am doing incorrectly? Thanks.


Staff member
Are those affected recipients corporate people? I mean, it is possible their company server has restrictions regarding attachments? This is very common nowadays reason why it is recommended to send a link to the document rather than the document itself.


New Member
Yes, they are sent to work email addresses, but I then resend them the attachment in a regular email with no problem. Why wouldn't it get stripped from that also? The types of PDFs we are sending prevent us from just emailing a link - we legally must send the document, so a link will not be an option for us.


Staff member
Ok, how many people do you have in your list, what version of MaxBulk Mailer are you using and on which operating system?