apostrophe problem marxbulk mailer


New Member
I use Mac MaxbulkMailer version 8.3.6
when I click the Text option with style and that I import text from word to copy it
maxbulkmailer. Malbulk mailer does not recognize apostrophes
for example, it will write aujourdhui instead of aujourd'hui or lartiste rather than l'artiste
you have a solution to bring me or advise me on setting
Best regards


New Member
Yes but it's the same thing
the apostrophe not writting correctly

as "lartiste" instead "l'artiste"
or "aujourdhui" instead "aujourd'hui"....

Have an others solution?
thanks a lot


New Member
I write my text on Word for mac Word version: 14.5.4
after-i copy my text on maxbulmailer - with the text style option because I want to do a presentation.
Maxulk mailer in the page text appears correctly, the spaces between the apostrophe are respected, but when I talked to receive the text there is no apostrophe and everything is sticking for example the word " "aujourdhui" instead of "aujourd'hui."
Thank you for your kindness


Staff member
Styled Text is converted into HTML. As far as I know, if you select UTF-8 and the symbol in the UTF-8 table, it got converted. Can you send me the HTML code created by MaxBulk Mailer? Use the eye menu in the preview panel.


New Member
You cand find the HTML Code
<title>HTML Message</title>
<meta name=generator content=Advanced HTML parser v2>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<font face='Arial'><b>EXEMPLE APOSTROPHE<br><br>Le MIAM en partenariat avec le Comoedia présente:<br><br></b>En écho avec l</font><font face='Arial' color='#FF0000'>&#146;exposition</font><font face='Arial'> <i>Véhicules </i>présentée au MIAM j</font><font face='Arial' color='#FF0000'>usqu&#146;au 31</font><font face='Arial'> octobre, nous vous proposons un après-midi pour les 5/8 ans, film, gouter et atelier plastique avec la petite épicerie du MIAM et une soirée autour du monde du travail ; un compositeur de musique contemporaine qui intervient chez PSA Peugeot Citroën, des cheminots qui nous parlent des mutations de cette grande entreprise</font><font face='Arial' color='#FF0000'> qu&#146;est la</font><font face='Arial'> SNCF<br><b>C&#146;est quoi ce travail ? </b>(2015)<br><b>Documentaire de Luc Joulé et Sébastien Jousse<br></b>Production Shellac sud<br>Ils sont au travail. Les salariés d&#146;une usine qui produit 800.000 pièces <br></font><font face='Arial' color='#FF0000'>d&#146;automobile </font><font face='Arial'>par jour et le compositeur Nicolas Frize dont la création <br>musicale </font><font face='Arial' color='#FF0000'>s&#146;invente </font><font face='Arial'>au c&#156;ur des ateliers. Chacun à sa manière, ils disent leur travail. Chacun à sa manière, ils posent la question : alors, c&#146;est quoi le travail ?<br><br></font>
<br><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


and this the text initial who i write on word after copyed in the page maxbulk with style TEXT and Iso 8859 1

and now this the text received.
in the file joint

thanks a lot


Staff member
Use this code:
<title>HTML Message</title>
<meta name=generator content=Advanced HTML parser v2>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<font face='Arial'><b>EXEMPLE APOSTROPHE<br><br>Le MIAM en partenariat avec le Comoedia présente:<br><br></b>En écho avec l</font><font face='Arial' color='#FF0000'>&#146;exposition</font><font face='Arial'> <i>Véhicules </i>présentée au MIAM j</font><font face='Arial' color='#FF0000'>usqu&#146;au 31</font><font face='Arial'> octobre, nous vous proposons un après-midi pour les 5/8 ans, film, gouter et atelier plastique avec la petite épicerie du MIAM et une soirée autour du monde du travail ; un compositeur de musique contemporaine qui intervient chez PSA Peugeot Citroën, des cheminots qui nous parlent des mutations de cette grande entreprise</font><font face='Arial' color='#FF0000'> qu&#146;est la</font><font face='Arial'> SNCF<br><b>C&#146;est quoi ce travail ? </b>(2015)<br><b>Documentaire de Luc Joulé et Sébastien Jousse<br></b>Production Shellac sud<br>Ils sont au travail. Les salariés d&#146;une usine qui produit 800.000 pièces <br></font><font face='Arial' color='#FF0000'>d&#146;automobile </font><font face='Arial'>par jour et le compositeur Nicolas Frize dont la création <br>musicale </font><font face='Arial' color='#FF0000'>s&#146;invente </font><font face='Arial'>au c&#156;ur des ateliers. Chacun à sa manière, ils disent leur travail. Chacun à sa manière, ils posent la question : alors, c&#146;est quoi le travail ?<br><br></font>
<br><table border="0" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">


with the message encoding set to UTF-8.


Staff member
It works perfect here. Are you sure you set the message format to 'HTML Only' and the encoding to UTF-8? With MaxBulk Mailer 8.5?


New Member
Yes it's 8.5 and encoding UTF8
I just try again, but there is the same problem
on your side have you made the experience that is writing a text in word application that have an apostrophe in word and copy it to the front page of MaxBulk style / text UT8?
I do not know how to remedy this the problem
Otherwise I have to take one by one each word having an apostrophe and I manually corrected on malbulmailer.
In advance thank you for your kindness.


Staff member
Word has always been a problematic application because it uses to add control characters into the text. The best is to use an HTML editor like Adobe Dreamweaver. Anyway, I have tried the code before sending it to you and it works fine for me. Another solution is to replace quotes with standard one : '


New Member

Avez vous trouvé une solution car je n'arrive pas à mettre d'apostrophe de mon coté non plus?

I try in english :
Do you find a solution for the apostrophe (')?

Thank you


Staff member
Use your keyboard to add the apostrophes you have the choice between ' or ´and even ’ or ❜. Those two can also be inserted from the character viewer.