Alternative text version for Web Page format


New Member
Hi !

I can't have a text alternative for a web page based email.

I put my URL, type return twice and type my text but get no alternative text... Any clue ? No problem with HTML|Text format.

Version 7.6-FR Pro.


New Member
I know how it works and when the text version is displayed but there is only the html in the preview/text alternative tab.


Ligne 1 - Alternative texte à l'email FZ8...
Ligne 2 - See something ?
Ligne 3 - Toujours rien !

The text alternative shows a blank page in the preview tab but I get a multipart email...

Content-type: multipart/alternative;

You can't preview the text alternative. That's why I thought it wasn't working...


Staff member
And what happens when you send a message? Does it include the alternative part? Is this just a Preview issue?


New Member
I found two other issues with the text alternative for web page :
  • - Unsubscribe link is shown as a tagged link <a href="...">...</a> as it should be a simple text URL.
  • - The small maximum text length mark you can see on a text/html page is missing.


Staff member
Unsubscribe link is shown as a tagged link <a href="...">...</a> as it should be a simple text URL.
I guess it is just on the preview, right?
The small maximum text length mark you can see on a text/html page is missing.
I don't understand what you mean.


New Member
No not in preview... But in the text part of the sent email.

If you put the [unsubscribe] or [Résilier abonnement] tag after the web page URL it is rendered as
<a href="">Se désinscrire</a>
in the email text part... We shoud only have the URL and no html tag.