Thank you for your quick reply. Please consider that the HTML email that failed under 8.3.2 succeeded under 8.3.1; the content was not flagged by a server under the older version. Too, consider that one test I ran contained an extremely simple HTML message -
<body bgcolor="#eeeeee">
Hi, David.
Too, I ran a test using the same HTML with subject and body content that completely passed MaxBulk Mailers Spam Check.
I do not think the email content is the issue. My experience suggests the problem is in the upgrade.
I no longer have a copy of 8.3.1. I would like one. It worked for me. I would like to try it again.
If there is no solution for me under 8.3.2, I would like a copy of 8.3.1.
How can I get a copy of 8.3.1?