500 Unknown command with MLM automatic install


New Member
I'm trying to install MLM using the automatic install with hostgator but it gives me a "500 Unknown command" error in the log and then it just stops working:

> CWD /public_html/mysite.com/lm
550 Can't change directory to /public_html/mysite.com/lm: No such file or directory
> MKD /public_html/mysite.com/lm
257 "/public_html/mysite.com/lm" : The directory was successfully created
> CWD /public_html/mysite.com/lm
250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/mysite.com/lm
> CWD /public_html/mysite.com/lm/html
550 Can't change directory to /public_html/mysite.com/lm/html: No such file or directory
> MKD /public_html/mysite.com/lm/html
257 "/public_html/mysite.com/lm/html" : The directory was successfully created
> CWD /public_html/mysite.com/lm/html
250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/mysite.com/lm/html
> CWD /public_html/mysite.com/lm/html
250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/mysite.com/lm/html
> SIZE index.html
550 Can't check for file existence
227 Entering Passive Mode (74,52,11,248,29,108)
200 TYPE is now ASCII
> STOR index.html
150 Accepted data connection
> CWD /public_html/mysite.com/lm/html
226-File successfully transferred
226 0.172 seconds (measured here), 4.15 Kbytes per second
250 OK. Current directory is /public_html/mysite.com/lm/html
> SIZE subscribe_multiple.php
550 Can't check for file existence
227 Entering Passive Mode (74,52,11,248,162,76)
> STOR subscribe_multiple.php
150 Accepted data connection
> CWD /public_html/mysite.com/lm/html
500 Unknown command
226-File successfully transferred
226 0.237 seconds (measured here), 35.40 Kbytes per second

I have "localhost" set for my SQL host as was mentioned in another thread, but it still isn't working.


New Member

(and I also tried the IP address given to me by hostgator instead of using localhost)


Staff member
When you get errors during the installation the best will be to install the software manually. You can do that with a FTP software like Transmit, Fetch, CoreFTP… This how you have to proceed:

1.- Open the lm/lm_settings.php file with a text editor.
2.- Edit the script settings and save (each setting is explained in the file). [1]
3.- Upload the ‘lm’ folder to your FTP server (in your public folder). [2]
4.- Use your FTP software to CHMOD the ‘lm’ folder to 777 (or 775 or 755). [3]
5.- Enter the ‘lm.php’ full URL and your user ID and password to MaxBulk preferences.
6.- If you have selected to use mySQL run the script with the ‘Init’ command:


[1] The lm/lm_settings.php contains all the parameters you can change to customize the script to match your needs. When doing a manual installation it is important to open that file with a plain text editor like Notepad on Windows or TextEdit on the Macintosh.

[2] Never upload MLM to your home root folder if you have a specific folder for public html documents like ‘public’, ‘html’, ‘public_html’, ‘web’, ‘www’, ‘httpdocs’. Just open the folder or any subfolder first!

[3] If you don’t know how to CHMOD a folder with your FTP software please read your FTP software manual. It is possible your server doesn’t like you to CHMOD the ‘lm’ folder to 777 (showing an ‘Internal Server Error’ when you try to run the script with your browser) so just try 775 or 755.

The lm/html folder includes a few sample pages for subscribing customers to your lists (to a fixed single list, a single list from a selection or multiple lists at once) and a sample page for uploading lists to MLM (despite you can do that from MaxBulk Mailer as well).