4 attempts to empty mailbox


New Member
I must be doing something wrong.

I have a POP email box that is used ONLY to receive bouncebacks for an email newsletter. That is, my Errors-to header in MaxBulk Mailer is set to this box.

I then run eMail Bounce Handler against this POP box and get this behavior:
Hit Start
Status is:
getting 1 of 403
getting 2 of 403
getting 33 of 377
getting 52 of 351
getting 195 of 195
and eMailer Bounce Handler disconnects from the server.
But, there are still 192 emails left in the POP box.
I hit Start again and it connects/disconnects.
I quit and relaunch and it starts with:
getting 1 of 192
getting 114 of 114
and eMailer Bounce Handler disconnects from the server.
But, there are still 89 emails left in the POP box.
I hit Start again and it connects/disconnects.
I quit and relaunch and it starts with:
getting 1 of 89
getting 63 of 63
and eMailer Bounce Handler disconnects from the server.
But, there are still 13 emails left in the POP box.

I saved my bouncebacks from all 4 runs of eMail Bounce Handler so I have the info I need.

But, why do I have to run it 4 or more times? Why not just once?



Staff member
Are you using very last version? The one available here: http://www.maxprog.com/downloads.html

Do you see anything wrong in the connection log? A 102 error for example?

Also are you running any other software accessing your POP account? The best way to use eMail Bounce Handler is explained here http://www.maxprog.com/support/us/emailbouncehandler/best_way_to_use.html

If that doesn't fix your problem please open a support ticket here: http://maxprog.helpdeskconnect.com/?cmd=dashboard

By the way, the reset button is intended to reset eMail Bounce Handler internal pointer: http://www.maxprog.com/support/us/emailbouncehandler/reset_button.html


Staff member
Thanks for the connection log. Error 102 is when the server drops the connection. The problem here is when eMail Bounce Handler try to reconnect to your server, the connection is dropped.

eMail Bounce Handler is able to handle 102 errors during the QUIT proces however it doesn't if they happen during the reconnection process.

To fix that you just need to program eMail Bounce Handler to 'Check for new bounces every xxx minutes' because in case of an error 102 during the reconnection, a new attempt will be done xxx minutes later. Try 1 minute.


New Member
stanbusk wrote:
To fix that you just need to program eMail Bounce Handler to 'Check for new bounces every xxx minutes' because in case of an error 102 during the reconnection, a new attempt will be done xxx minutes later. Try 1 minute.

Well, that did the trick.
