2 ?'s


1. When I deliver a message out to multi clients and using the text template to subscribe - how do I change the - opt-in - to each client in the message.

2. I have Adobe GoLive - and read the html for the subscribe & upload list - I have FTP in my GoLive - does the upload file upload the sub/unsubsribe - to my website - and do use them as separate pages or can I place them one of my pages?


Staff member
1. When I deliver a message out to multi clients and using the text template to subscribe - how do I change the - opt-in - to each client in the message. [/quote]
Place the [E-mail Address] tag inside your subscription URL

[quote]I have Adobe GoLive - and read the html for the subscribe & upload list - I have FTP in my GoLive - does the upload file upload the sub/unsubsribe - to my website - and do use them as separate pages or can I place them one of my pages?[/quote]
The Upload page upload a local list file to your remote server list. If the list already exists it ads the addresses else it creates the list first then add the addresses.


email for subscription

When you said place the email address in the tag inside my sub url - is the address my email address?


What is a subscrib URL?

Also, as you mentioned about the Email tag reminds as is - does that also apply to the list (s)?

I uploaded the mlm into my FTP server - the final ? is what is the mlm 777 - and should i use the upload list or subcribe to multiple clients on my website?


Staff member
I mean the MLM subscribe URL. What is your MLM subscribe URL?

Also, as you mentioned about the Email tag reminds as is - does that also apply to the list (s)?
I don't understand this question. Can you explain?

I uploaded the mlm into my FTP server - the final ? is what is the mlm 777 - and should i use the upload list or subcribe to multiple clients on my website?
Are you asking what CHMOD 777 is?


Staff member
To CHMOD a file you just have to use your FTP software. Most of them allow to do that. What software are you using?

MLM script comes with MaxBulk Mailer.


Staff member
In Fetch you just have to click on the 'Get Info' button, type 777 on the 'Unix equivalent' field and click on the Apply button.


In Fetch which folder/other due I select to type the 777 into?

I purchased & downloaded MLM Pro to use for my website - I set all the parameters - how do add this to my website - and besides using the single subscrib - can I use the upload list.php - and does also allow or give a link script to add sub/unsub to my message?


Staff member
In fetch as far as I know there is only one place where you can set the permissions of a given file. I don't understand your question.

About your second question, you can add the script to your site using the HTML pages that come with it. You can use the upload list script if you need to upload recipients. To add a link to your messages refers to the online doc. It is a simple command.



In Fetch I wanted to know if there is specific file/folder to change the info?

My 2nd ? - since I have Adobe GoLive - I can preview to see the single-fixed.php file - that I would like to use.

Can I download or link to one of my other pages on my site - instead making as a new page.

As for the image ? - I'm not going to worry about that - as long as image appears - I'm all set.

3rd - the line that I'm using for the link on a message to unsubscribe is in the script index - as a simple link - I'd tried it but when I previewed it & sent it - it didn't appear as a link - it showed up as only part of the text.

As for the text - what can I do to separate the lines - instead of being all together a paragraph form?


Staff member
In Fetch I wanted to know if there is specific file/folder to change the info?
You have to select the file or folder you want to change the permissions and click on the 'Get Info' button. Then click on the Apply button to set the permissions for the file you have selected.

My 2nd ? - since I have Adobe GoLive - I can preview to see the single-fixed.php file - that I would like to use.

Can I download or link to one of my other pages on my site - instead making as a new page.
Of course, you can edit that page to make it look like you other pages and link it to them.

3rd - the line that I'm using for the link on a message to unsubscribe is in the script index - as a simple link - I'd tried it but when I previewed it & sent it - it didn't appear as a link - it showed up as only part of the text.
What line are you using right now?

As for the text - what can I do to separate the lines - instead of being all together a paragraph form?
I don't understand your question.



I tried the link that you told me to use in MaxMailer - I can't click on it as a link and when I try to copy & paste to my browser - I receive a error message stating that the mlm/mlm.php can't be found on the server - what am I missing?


Staff member
What format are you using on MaxBulk, Plain Text, Styled Text...?

About the error you get, did you upload MLM to your server? If so, where? I am just reproducing the URL you gave me when I asked you where the script was installed.