¿Versión para iPhone, iPad o móviles por fin?


New Member
Feliz año lo primero de todo.

Todos los años pregunto lo mismo y van unos cuantos ya siendo cliente y usuario de iCash, concretamente desde hace ya casi 9 años.

Por favor cuando van sacar una versión para móviles? es más que necesario poder meter apuntes fuera de un pc o portátil, en el momento de producirse el gasto o el ingreso, a pié de calle, que luego se sincronice, etc...

Esto es algo que venimos demandando hace tiempo, imagino que no ser√° f√°cil pero por favor ya no es futuro, es actualidad y necesidad para todos los usuarios de iCash.

Gracias de antemano por este gran software, la guinda sería una app. :D


New Member
I agree a 100% and I have also being making this request for many years now and it should be time for it.

Obviously neither a smartphone, nor probably a tablet, are ideal to operate a complex (even simple) program like iCash, because it needs a good big screen to see all the numbers and information involved.

What I would really welcome very much (and would be prepared to pay for it separately) is a simple app through which, as defsoulk proposes, we could introduce transactions in a shop, or while in the bus, etc. and that it would synchronize with the main program. As simple as that, an app with one only screen to introduce transactions and have them sync with the main program.

Once that first step would have been given, other features can be added in the future, like confirming transactions introduced by the planner, etc.

Step by step you can catch the monkey; but a first step is always needed.

Thanks and regards