Hola Stan!
Cuando compro algo añado una transacción (origen = mi cuenta bancaria, destino = la cuenta de gasto correspondiente).
Si un mes después decido devolver ese producto lo que hago es crear una nueva transacción (origen = la cuenta del gastos, destino = mi cuenta bancaria).
El problema...
Hey. I exported transactions in iCash XML format.
I got XML file. I try import the xml file to another DB. Select Import - iCash XML.
But there isn't XML in the file selection window in the list of formats. Accordingly I can not select XML file.
How I can import iCash XML file?
I just installed iCash on Mac Mojave. It works well for creating new "Business" and "Home" accounts. It looks very promising. I decided to try create the third option "iCash SE File, Copy balances" account. I am met with this popup: Creating file, Creating Defaults... The file creation process...