sent to remote list and still shows unsent?


New Member
i sent to a remote list. the recipients tab shows all sent. this is expected.

i then grabbed another remote list and sent to it.

when i went back to the original remote list, all show unsent. this is not what i expected.

as new users get added to a remote list i want to be able to send to only the new ones. but if original sends on a remote list are not saved, how can i do this?

in other words the remote lists are fresh every time, but should not be if a email was already sent to them.

i have many separate remote lists i am managing and need to be able to manage who has received an email and who hasn't.

please advise.


New Member
so I should use local lists when I want to keep track of sends? i guess i am missing the benefit of remote lists, other than unsubscribes?


Staff member
No, sent status is *never* saved to lists (hopefully). When you select a list either local or remote, you load a list with all statuses set to 'Unset'. If you want to save statuses just save the document itself. A document will keep the status of each recipient. A delivery status belongs to a document, not to a list.