Removing Bounces for MLM database


New Member
I have a bounce list and I understand that if named "remove" it can be used to delete bounces from the list.

Will it work on a Remote MLM list (SQL)?

Does this file need to be in a certain format to work (TXT) and if so what fields and in what order?

Do I just drag it over the remote list when opened in MaxBulk Mailer?



Staff member
I have a bounce list and I understand that if named "remove" it can be used to delete bounces from the list.
Will it work on a Remote MLM list (SQL)?
Yes. Process the remote list and upload it again.
Does this file need to be in a certain format to work (TXT) and if so what fields and in what order?
It just has to be in plain text, there is no specific field order.
Do I just drag it over the remote list when opened in MaxBulk Mailer?


New Member
When you say process the list and upload it again.

I dropped the remove file over the open MLM file in MaxBulk.
It looked like it was trying to add the records because is told me about a lot of duplicates. It this proper behavior?

In terms of uploading it again. I am not sure how to do this. Do I have to export the list. Delete the current remote list then import the cleaned list? Or is there a more efficient way?

Thanks for all your help!


Staff member
Did you rename your file 'delete.txt'?
To upload a list to MLM use the 'Recipients > Upload to MLM' menu.


New Member
Excellent. That all worked. I had named the file remove not delete. For some reason I thought either would work.

Final question. When using the remote list interface the buttons are not showing. See example. The MLMScripts folder is installed with in our website folder (


New Member
I think I need to give a bit more background. Maxbulk Mailr runs on my desktop. The remote list MLM is installed on our xserve.

I did not do a traditional install on the xserve. I dragged and dropped the MLMScripts folder into our website folder.

On the xserve: all the images are in the pictures fold which is in the MLMScripts folder. There is not a LM folder. There are several index.html and lm.php are in the MLMScripts folder not in a subfolder called lm.

On the Desktop: There is an lm folder with in the maxbulk mailer application folder under goodies and the image are again in a folder called pictures which is in the LM folder.

However the url is to the remote list server is:

On the server I tried placing the images in the MLMscripts folder (outside the pictures folder) but this did not resolve it.
On the desktop I tried placing the images in the LM folder and this did not seem to resolve it either.


Staff member
MLM expects the pictures to be in a folder called 'pictures' at the same level as the lm.php file.