Newest version fails with error on Google Mail


New Member
Now I see mentions in here that very little has changed - something has indeed changed with the latest build.

After 5-10 emails with a 30Kb PDF attachment, I get an error from Google Email servers saying:

451 4.5.0 SMTP protocol violation, see RFC 2821 9sm14940036wfc.16

I tried everything including creating another account in case it was a problem with the account. I tried sending on another account and got the same error. If I send an email manually on each of these accounts, they work fine. Once I get the error in MaxMailer - I can't send any further.

I am running a Mac with 10.5.2.

When I roll back to 5.6.6 - all is good again.



New Member
It appears to work with the newest one (I sent 143 emails to the same list as before). The only difference is that it appears to be a little slower.

Did you make a change?



New Member
Really? Google Apps? Very unlikely. And since I Immediately changed over to an older version and got favorable results it's even more unlikely.

Keep an eye out for this issue in the future. If you made no changes it will be one of those problem reports that will sporadically pop up again and again.
