MLM Login


New Member
I downloaded the latest version and followed your instructions for installation. It functions to subscribe to a MySql database (although I don't have access to that database via Max Bulk Mailer because of my server's firewall) I changed the location of the LM folder and that didn't seem to affect by ability to Login. I'm assuming Login enables me to see collected emails in a flat file. I'm open to other suggestions of how to change my installation so it will work. Thanks


New Member
Bingo! I can access the list through Firefox but not Chrome. A couple of additional questions. How can I upload a list of emails to MLM? I see it has an upload function. Does the file need to be a special type?
If I wanted to move to the MySql database which is currently behind a firewall, to I attempt to gain access by working with my isp? In my MySql administration window there is no way to turn off the protection that I can see. Thanks


Staff member
Use the 'Recipients > Upload to MLM' menu. The format is:

Firstname1<tab>Lastname1<tab>Company1<tab>Email Address1...
Firstname2<tab>Lastname2<tab>Company2<tab>Email Address2...

With MLM you have you the mySQL database assigned to your account. No particular setting to set.


New Member
I tried exporting a recipient list in Max Bulk Mailer to a tab file, then a comma file, etc. MLM doesn't recognise any of those files when I upload them. None of the addresses or names were recognized. I can enter individual addresses fine but I need to upload lists.

One more question on connecting to MySql if I go that route. What would a host address look like in Max Bulk Mailer? is my isp. The name of the database is db followed by Thanks

For your information I'm using the Pro version 6.5. 6.5 works fine and money is tight


Staff member
If a list is already inside MaxBulk Mailer there is no need to export it in order to upload it. MaxBulk Mailer lists are already properly formatted. What I told you was for lists outside MaxBulk Mailer.

About what a mySQL host address look like, well, whatever.yourdomain.tld. The best is to ask your server support or go to your server control panel, you should have a mySQL control panel and the address should be available there.


New Member
I have a lot of emails that I imported from address book on my mac that become part of my recipient list but have not gone through double opt-in. I also have some addresses from a previously used program that are just email addresses in text form. I loaded them into a recipient list on Max Bulk Mailer using the import function. I would like to have all these addresses in the MLM file so customers have the opportunity to unsubscribe without me doing it manually. I see no way to do that in Max Bulk Mailer internally. I also have not succeeded in uploading any email addresses to MLM using tab, comma, semicolon external files. I always get this message.
"0 address(es) have been uploaded to 'list1'.
MLM has found 0 duplicate(s) and 0 bad address(es)."


Staff member
First import the addresses into MaxBulk Mailer, save the list, go to 'Recipients > Upload to MLM' and upload the list. Are you doing it that way?

Note that there is no need to upload a list to MLM to get unsubscribes. You can do that with local lists as well. You just have to activate that function form the preferences. You also have to use the [Unsubscribe] tag inside your message.


New Member
In version 6.5 there apparently is neither function. There is no command for 'Recipients> Upload to MLM' There also is nothing in preferences dealing with unsubscribes.

Are their alternative solutions?