Feature Request: Payee reports


New Member
One thing that I love about iCash (and that keeps me coming back to it despite looking at other solutions, including free online options) is the powerful reporting and querying features (including statistics). There is one report that is missing, in my opinion: Payee reports.

Specifically, I'd like to be able to see a report (or maybe just an option in the charts window) that shows all payees and their totals for a given period (monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.). From a business perspective, this is essential in order to see who your "better" customers are. If you're familiar with the 80/20 rule this make a bunch more sense.

I'm no programmer so I may be way off here, but it seems this would be a relatively easy feature to add in.



Staff member
Yes, it is easy to add however your request is slightly different to one I already received. I guess I need to add two reports, 'Payee Statement' and 'Payee Summary'. The Payee Statement would show a given payee transactions for a date range along with the balance. The Payee Summary would show the full list of payees with 'In', 'Out' and 'P&L columns. Note sure of the columns yet... What do you think?