erro fatal - fatal error


New Member
icash program 7.8.1br ended unexpectedly and lost the last 2 days of work. Use Macbook Mac high sierra 10.13.6 sierra


Staff member
Why don't use the auto backup? From the manual:
iCash also performs automatic backups for you to the ~/Library/Application Support/Maxprog/iCash/Backups folder every-time you close a document or open a document that needs updating. Each document backup is saved to a folder with the same name. Only the 15 more recent backup files are maintained. They are labeled with the backup date, for example '2005-10-13 19-43-09' which means 'October 13, 2005 19:43:09'. In addition iCash also performs redundant XML Backups to the '~/Library/Application Support/Maxprog/iCash/XML Dumps' folder.