connecting 'type' info on txt-import


New Member
My bank-mut-file include codes which shows what kind of transaction has been made (like 'GA' for 'ATM withdrawals')

How can I connect these codes to the 'type'-field while importing a comma-delimited mut-file???

And then recognize 'GA' and replace it in a more human 'ATM withdrawal'?

Is there a possibility to add extra fields to the import-filter?
for example, my bank-txt file contains 4 rows on 'remarks', the importfilter just 1.


Staff member
#1 Right now you have to do that manually, until we create a rule editor.

#2 In fact we one have one comment field.

What kind of file is this?


New Member
This is a comma-delimited export file form Rabobank, a common dutch bank.

1 export-line looks like this:

"0335968244","EUR",20080102,"D",333.33,"P0129637","OWM AGIS ZORGVERZEKERING",20080102,"MA","","BETALINGSKENM. 1001080100549053","AGIS ZORGVERZEKERINGEN","NUMMER VERZAMELBLAD* 100583943","PERIODE 200801","",""

I'd rather import this file directly into iCash, and be able to customize the filter so no data will be lost on import. This data contains valueable information that can be used with the future rule editor too.

Otherwise maybe number of presetted import filters could be generated for common banks?

this file will not be imported correctly so I use this script in the terminal to convert it to a .qif file.

My bank allows me to export a file with multiple bank-account-details in it. It also keeps track of the last export-request-date so it's very easy to export 1 file with all updated transactions which prevents duplicates in iCash after import. With the future rule editor the import filter could recognise the account so iCash will be almost a hands-free application!

Thank you for improving iCash so intensively! Great job!