Cannot update


New Member
I am trying to upgrade from iCash 3.4.1 to 7.5.2

When I open my .icash file in the new version of the app, I am prompted to update the file, but encounter the following two error:

Error updating database schema from v107 to v108 (Field name "Currency_isDefault" is not unique).

Fatal error opening database! (Table "tblBudgets" not found.).

I have tried upgrading to an earlier version (4.5) and have encountered the first error followed by a crash.

Any advice on how to update my file is much appreciated.




New Member
stanbusk said:
Have you tried to use a backup file?

I've had this problem for at least 4 years so I don't think I have any sufficiently old backups.

Is there a way to edit the file directly to delete the non-unique field name and/or add the missing table?


Staff member
The problem here is actually that the error you get means the document structure has been damaged. In such case the best is to use a backup previous to the damage. iCash creates backups automatically. In the past a file may suffer damages because of a system crash... it was rare though.


New Member
stanbusk said:
The problem here is actually that the error you get means the document structure has been damaged. In such case the best is to use a backup previous to the damage. iCash creates backups automatically. In the past a file may suffer damages because of a system crash... it was rare though.

I am concerned that if I were to revert to a backup, it would be so old (at least 4 years) that it would be missing too much data to rebuild. Is there any other way forward?


Staff member
Can't you use an iCash automatic backup? The last one just before the file corruption? iCash maintains 16 automatic rotating backups.