Auto Save eMail Bounce Handler


Is it possible to set a default save time when eMail Bounce handler is running?

I find that when Bounce Handler has been running overnight, that it will crash at some point. I don't know why. Since I normally run it on a mbox file overnight, I don't particularly know when it crashes. But once it does, I loose everything it's done since I saved (which is just before I go home). that's why I try to use the program only when I'm at work and can manually save every so often.

Is there a way to save, say, every hour or half hour? Or any set interval? Then if it does crash, at least I don't lose the few hours prior that it has been working before the crash?


At what intervals (or at what point) are the save made?

Every hour? Or is the file save every time an entry is added?
How soon BEFORE the crash happens?


Staff member
At what intervals (or at what point) are the save made?
Each time eMail Bounce Handler process a bounce it saves it to that file.The file it is updated continuously as a result if there is a problem like a crash you will always get al l the bounces up to the very last one.


Happened on Mac OS X 10.5.8 as well as on 10.6.7 and also on Windows XP Prof SP2.

It happens when I leave it over long periods, especially overnight.