Welcome to the MaxBulk Mailer new forum!


Staff member
Welcome to the MaxBulk Mailer new forum!
This forum replaces the iCash mailing list.

We hope you enjoy the new forum and look forward to your comments and suggestions.


New Member

Hello, I just downloaded MaxBulk to check it out.
I was interested in knowing the difference between the Standard and Pro versions.



Staff member
The Pro version adds the following exclusive features:

• Styled text format support - Bold, Italic, Underline, Color, Font, Size...
• Conditional message contents depending on optional tags value.
• 20 Custom Tags for advanced mail merge.
• Ability to process tags in subject.
• 13 date tags, Long Date, Short Date, Abbreviated Date, Long Time, Short Time...
• Quick selector in order to check/uncheck recipients depending on their values.
• Recipients creation directly from Filemaker. (Mac OS X only)
• Hyperlink manager to insert text and HTML hyperlinks tags with one click.
• Full Applescript support. (Mac OS X only)
• Full mySQL and postgreSQL database support.
• Secure SSL connection support.

I have added an entry to the FAQ for that topic: