Using Webpage Format with php click counter


New Member
Headers only, no content

Using version 4.4.3

MaxBulk is retrieving the content to prepare to send because it hits the counter twice, however the received message has only the mail headers and no content


Staff member
You can't use such URL to send as Web Page. Our script is not intended to be used that way. What are you trying to do?


New Member
Just trying to track stats on who and how many emails are read out of the campaign.

I wanted to compose my html email using Freeway Pro, then uploading to server, then sending just the webpage format instead of composing in Maxbulk. My emails contains lots of photos and property descriptions for real estate and I could make a template in Freeway.

click counter is using "img src" to auto load a picture file and i want to autoload an more complex HTML doc into mail browser without user having to click on a link.

Plus I prefer the click counter tracking to web server stats


Staff member
All that is correct but you should copy and paste the HTML code to MaxBulk and send as HTML only rather than using the Web Page. You will avoid bad surprises.