User Friendly SMTP relay service


New Member
I tried to use Unified Email. The guy who sold me the service decided he did not want to offer me support. Or he didn't know how to do his job, or he burned bridges with his co-workers so they would no longer cooperate with him. One of those things. Not sure what was going on and I don't care. I got a refund on the service.

Anyway I'm looking for a new SMTP service provider that is user-friendly. I've noticed that many of them offer an online service where you submit everything through their user-interface which I don't like. I want to control who has my email list. I don't want it stored on a server and out of my control. That's why I'm using Max Bulk Mailer.

Can someone recommend an SMTP relay service other than Unified Email that works well with Max Bulk Mailer?