Transaction View Problem


New Member
Hi there,

I have a problem with the transaction view, when resizing columns, i appear to have lost all but 5 columns. I no longer can resize the columns nor add any, please help! I have lost the "amount" column, which is obviously rather vital!

I would appreciate a speedy reply, cheers!


Staff member
Usually you can recover them resizing the columns, I mean if a column is hidden, trying to resize the one you see will reveal the hidden ones. If that doesn't work open you document from iCash File Manager pressing the command key and set Ok to reset all preferences.


New Member
Thanks, will try. The resizing hasn't worked at all. Will try the reset of preferences when i get home and let you know....


Le pendu

New Member
OK, I found by myself:
dble click on the doc in the iCash file manager and keep ctrl down.

