Spurios line breaks appearing in styled text - Greek


New Member

Am trying my first attempt of a bilk mailing with a Greek letter. MaxBulk appears to be doing something strange with certain Greek characters, namely the Greek Kappa looks like a K. in some places it deletes the letter and inserts a line break instead.

Below is a copy of part of the mailing as it ended up (wrong) and beneath that the original version.

EMAILED RESULT BELOW (Note strange breaks and missing K's)

ύριος Shaw,

Εάν το ξενοδοχείο σας βρίσ
εται σε περιοχή με σκληρό νερό γνωρίζετε πολύ καλά τα
προβλήματα που προκαλούνται από τα άλατα.

Μία συσ
ευή Scalewatcher τοποθετημένη στην είσοδο παροχής νερού ενός κτιρίου ή συγκροτήματος
κατοικιών θα καθαρίσει τις εναποθέσεις αλάτων από το δίκτυο και από τις συσκευές και θα αποτρέπει
τη δημιουργία νέων στρώσεων.

Αξιότιμε Κύριε [Surname]

Εάν το ξενοδοχείο σας βρίσκεται σε περιοχή με σκληρό νερό γνωρίζετε πολύ καλά τα προβλήματα που προκαλούνται από τα άλατα.

Μία συσκευή Scalewatcher τοποθετημένη στην είσοδο παροχής νερού ενός κτιρίου ή συγκροτήματος κατοικιών θα καθαρίσει τις εναποθέσεις αλάτων από το δίκτυο και από τις συσκευές και θα αποτρέπει τη δημιουργία νέων στρώσεων.

COMMENTS: Why does it only do it on some K's and not all. Doesn't seem to care if the K is at the start of a word or not, nor Capitalised or not!!
UPDATE.... Having played around some more it appears that the problem is always at the FIRST kappa in the sentence. I changed the original problem ones to the English letter k. They worked but the next kappa in the sentence failed.

Things I tried:- 1) using different code pages - No change
2) sending the text directly from Outlook 2007 (on Vista) to see if this was screwing up - ALL OK
3) Changing the Greek K to an English K instead (looks similar) - This works and does not break the line.

Help please. Am very confused!!!




Staff member
What operating system are you using? Which version? What MaxBulk Mailer versions are you using? What encoding have you selected? Where does the text come from?


New Member

Am using Vista Ultimate (all updates excl. SP1) and outlook 2007.

Maxmail version 5.7.1-US

Selected UTF-8 encoding. Also tried the ISO-8859 Greek encoding as well as windows-1253 Greek but no difference.

Using styled text as I wanted an inline image

Text came from a Publisher 2007 document. I copied and pasted it from there. With the same "paste" I put it directly into an email in Outlook and it sent fine.

The preview function within the mailer already shows the problem.

I can email you a copy of the text in publisher/ word format etc. Do you have Office 2007 or do you want it in Office 2003 format?


Staff member
I guess you have pasted some control characters as well. Try to delete the faulty characters and the characters around them.


New Member
How can i find these control characters? I just copied the whole text into notepad (which I assume would remove the control characters) and from there copied and pasted it back into main document.

Same problem.

I don't think it is the problem as I just wrote a sentence directly into program with 2 Greek kappas in the sentence. As before, the first made a line break and indentation (and deleted the letter), the second occurrence is fine.

If I select PLAIN text instead of STYLED text, I have no problem. It appears to be a fault in the styled text rendering.


New Member
Just tried in HTML as well. It works fine.

Have never used the web option, so don't know how to test it, nor the HTML.plain text version


Staff member
Strange, the styled text rendering just take your text and convert it using the selected encoding. We use the operating system encoder actually. It would be great if you could open a support ticket and send us a sample document so we can try to reproduce here.