split transaction wrong balance?


New Member
Let's say I went to the store and bought $50 of groceries, used my debit card, and in the same store transaction made a $20 cash withdrawal.

In iCash, I made a $20 transfer transaction from my checking to my wallet accounts. I then made a $50 withdrawal from my checking to my groceries account.

Then I grouped the two transactions, thinking I would see the group transaction total as $70, which is what I actually spent at the store. But it shows $30 instead. This has me confused.

The balance of my iCash wallet account is correct, it shows the additional $20. When I show the transactions for my checking account, it shows the transfer to my wallet as a positive $20, and shows the card purchase as a negative $50. When looking only at my checking account, shouldn't the transfer to my wallet show as a negative number, since the money left checking?


Staff member
When you transfer $20 from your checking account to your wallet, you simply move an amount from an asset account to another. You have $20 before and still $20 after. I don't understand why you group a transfer like this with an expense. Any reason?


New Member
I use my debit card to buy just about everything. Nearly every store that has the customer swipe thier own card has it set to ask if you want any cash back. Sometimes I do.

I grouped the two iCash transactions so when my statement comes or I download from my bank (i'm a new user so haven't done either yet with iCash), I'll be able to recognize the single amount that the bank reports on my statement for that single swipe of my card.

I'm guessing that it's just the total for the grouped transactions that is shown wrong. In any case the group total shouldn't be $30. I'd like to see $70, but I could see an argument for $50.

If I run a query for target account = groceries, the cash withdrawal is shown as part of the group, but it's in black. The total for my category food is also correct when looking in the statistics tab.

I can ungroup the two transactions, but I wonder if there is some other way to handle purchases with cash withdrawal. I'm open to other workarounds.


Staff member
A group would work if both transactions were expenses. Actually they are not. One is an expense and the other is a transfer. Grouping an expense with a transfer is rather nonsense (at least to me) and will never show a correct total (at least in current version). Personally I think your bank statement will very likely show 2 transactions. If it doesn't please open a support ticket and we will look at that.