Report Calculation problems iCash 7.6


New Member
Howdy Stan.

I've been a long time iCash user over many years and have never come across an issue like this before.

I use the Reports/Account Statements function on a regular basis to see how I will be tracking financially in coming months and there appears to be a major calculation bug in the new version.

From the screenshots you can see that if I do a report for the month of January '17 the carried over balance from 2016 is different when compared with the carried over balance in a report for the 1st QTR?!?!

Never seen this before - the transaction for $310.43 25/01 in the QTR_1 &_2 report seems to be adding in twice somewhere (as evidenced in the QTR_3 jpeg where I have removed that transaction), but I can't figure out where - as evidenced in the different 1st QTR jpegs.

I am just adding that transaction as a normal deposit.

Not sure if anyone else is having similar issues????

Let me know if you need anything else.



Staff member
Have you tried to run the 'Files > Tools > Check Data' procedure? That will recalculate everything in your document. Maybe it would be a good idea to reindex your document first, from the iCash File Manager, with the document closed, select the document and 'Tools > Rebuild Index'.

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New Member
Hi Stan,

I've tried both of those suggestions and still the same result.

It only seems to be occurring in the quarterly report - the monthly, yearly, custom range appear to be working without a problem?!?!



New Member
Hi again Stan,

Have noticed another calculation discrepancy in that account as well on 06/01/2017 - the calculation is $20 out.

Not sure what is going on here, but I can't continue using the software like this.



Staff member
Is it possible one of your accounts has a starting balance? Look at the account panel, 'Opening' column, do you get everything at 0? Are yo using the same currency everywhere? You can check that on the same window.

Perhaps your document is corrupt? Have you tried to rebuild?

I am not aware of any calculation issue, we are heavy users of iCash ourselves, our company accounting is done with it. Two decades of accounting right now. We haven't touch the code related to calculations in new versions.

Also note I still don't understand your problem :-/ Could you try to explain it again? Right now it look like say a $300 transaction acts as a $600...

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