MLM unsubscribe


New Member

I have tried the program and am happy with emailing from gmail account. However, after spending hours of tinkering, I have uploaded the MLM scripts to Godaddy account, but cannot get the unsubscribe to work.

If you are willing to configure this to work (I will provide whatever you need) , I will purchase the program. If so, please provide a private email address for me to send info.

Thank you.


Staff member
First, are you sure MLM has been installed properly? Can you log into MLM with your browser and create a list?


New Member
Stan - The files were uploaded and I got the ok or finished when the upload was done. When I try the following: ... /lm/lm.php

I get 404... page cannot be found.

If you could provide an email for me to send you what you need, I suspect you can get this to work a lot faster than us trying to figure it out together and going back and forth, especially with me having minimal skills in this area.



New Member
It was installed that way originally and didn't work. I saw on one of your examples you had the path go to script.

I submitted ticket and request to you if you could get this to work I would purchase your product. If not, I will have to go elsewhere. Please let me know. Thanks.