iCash 7.5.6 release


Staff member
New iCash v7.5.6 has been released today. This is a free update for all v7 users with an update plan.

iCash is an easy-to-use, full featured and multi-purpose Personal Finance software for Macintosh and Windows intended to help you control your personal finances, keeping track of incomes, expenses, credits, debts and Banks transactions for you. No needs to know about accounting or even care about it! iCash lets you know where your money comes from and to where it goes with just a few clicks.

What's new in this release:

- The Payee field can also be used at a starting point for transaction autocompletion.
- The Windows installer is now signed with a sha-256 certificate for Windows 10 compatibility.
- The data checking tool is now faster and much more responsive.
- The budget list now scrolls with no lags, values updating has been optimized.
- Fix: Duplicate, Transfer and Split menu not working on given occasions.
- Fix: Problem when splitting a reconciled transaction causing balance error.
- Fix: Empty project now set properly when splitting a transaction.
- Fix: Export to XLS, TXT and HTML no longer causes a system wrong extension alert on Mac OS.

Don't forget to read our small tutorial about adding transactions to iCash, how to use Budgets and how to import transactions from a Bank statement.


Hola, acabo de instalar la versión 7.5.6 y el programa ha quedado bloqueado, sale pantalla con error, adjunto imagen.
Pues lo siento su wew tampoco me deja adjuntar image de 64.kb.
Lo sentimos, la cuota de unión junta ha sido alcanzado. esto es lo que pone su wew.
Ayuda rapido por favor.


Staff member
No veo esta pantalla de error. Pruebe bajar el instalador de nuevo. De paso dígame la versión de su sistema operativo.


MI sistema operativo es windows 10.
La pantalla pone:
Please repor what cvauset this error
Common\loaders\Loader, cpp:121
Failure Condition:func Addres
Function'Application Set Supports HiDPl '
Was no exported.


Sigue igual, al descargar el instalador ya sale un aviso: Cash-setup.exe no se baja de manera normal y podria estropear el ordenador.


Staff member
Hum, pero ha cambiado algo? Ha probado lanzar el instalador? Una vez instalado ya funciona iCash normalmente?


Bien, ya funciona.
Con esta version se ha solucionado el problema de duplicar o editar transacciones, pero no se soluciono el de aplicar favoritos en transacciones, pues siguen aparaciendo en blanco TIPO-PROYECTO y COMENTARIO.


Staff member
Que raro, solucione este problema, de hecho pude reproducirlo, lo arregle y lo comprobé. Debe de ser otra cosa entonces.

Deme una lista numerada de pasos a seguir para reproducir el problema.


En pantalla de transsacciones, quieres una transsación de favoritos, vas a favoritos seleccionas una, la aplicas y el TIPO/COMENTARIO y PROYECTO aparecen en blanco, o sea, no sale completa.


New Member
I've updated to 7.5.6-US on Mac OS X El Capitan. In the Budget module, when I activate Compare with the Current Month, the numbers for the Current Month are correct, but the Total and Variation are way off (about 50 times the actual amounts). My default currency is $C.
How can I correct this ?

I adjusted an amount in the budget I had prepared in the previous version and the problem corrected itself for that category. I then changed an amount in each category and that worked.