I am having trouble getting email Bounce Handler to work


New Member
Hi there,

Here is the report from my log:
6/8 16:12:38 ~ Status: Connecting to xxxx.xxxxxx.internal (IMAP) Port: 143 Security: None
6/8 16:12:38 * OK Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 IMAP4rev1 server version 6.5.7226.0 (xxxx.xxxxxx.internal) ready.
6/8 16:12:39 ~ Status: Connected to IMAP server
6/8 16:12:39 > A0001 LOGIN xxxxx ********
6/8 16:12:39 A0001 OK LOGIN completed.
6/8 16:12:39 > A0002 SELECT Inbox
6/8 16:12:39 * 1 EXISTS
6/8 16:12:39 * 1 RECENT
6/8 16:12:39 * FLAGS (\Seen \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft $MDNSent)
6/8 16:12:39 * OK [PERMANENTFLAGS (\Seen \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Draft $MDNSent)] Permanent flags
6/8 16:12:39 * OK [UNSEEN 1] Is the first unseen message
6/8 16:12:39 * OK [UIDVALIDITY 1591] UIDVALIDITY value
6/8 16:12:39 A0002 OK [READ-WRITE] SELECT completed.
6/8 16:12:39 ~ Status: Mailbox pointer = 1
6/8 16:12:39 ~ Status: Total messages in Mailbox = 1
6/8 16:12:39 > A0003 PARTIAL 1 RFC822 1 25000

At this point, the status line says "Getting message 1/1" and sits... and sits... and stits. Any ideas?


New Member
I too get this problem. Did you find out how to fix this?

My install was working fine as a trial a coupe of days ago, but once registered today and retryed I get the same message when trying to fetch emails?


New Member
Actually I did...

Figured out that almost all the messages on the server were way bigger than 25k. I turned that off and it worked like a charm!


Staff member
Yes, this is because the IMAP PARTIAL command is buggy on several server implementations. Deactivating the size setting causes eMail Bounce Handler to use IMAP Fetch command instead.