How do I delete both duplicate emails?


New Member
Maxprog is an amazing company!

I have bought Email Extractor and it's incredible. Anyways, I have a detailed function I'm trying to accomplish and I know someone here has the solution...

Objective: Send an email only ONE time to emails that I have gathered and keep on gathering over time. I am trying to avoid sending the same message to the same email twice so that they won't get annoyed.

Function (Almost there): The email Extractor program is able to find the duplicate emails and separate them for me in a separate text file which is great. But how do I delete all of those duplicate emails from the email list?

Explanation: I have the Main Full Email List which I have already sent the message too and I keep adding the New Emails to the Main Full Email List after I sent the message. The Main Full Email List keeps getting larger and larger and keeping the Main Full Email List is to be able to document all the emails I've sent the message too.

Mission: I have gathered a New Email List from a similar website source. Before I send the message to this New Email List I want to make sure none of these New Emails are in the Main Full Email List so that they don't receive the same message again. What's the best way to delete the emails in this New Email List that are already in the Main Full Email List?

Trying to Solve: I tried to add the New Emails to the Main Full Email List text file. Then I run the Main Full Email List text file with New Emails added to it through Email Extractor. Then the Duplicate list is created so I know which emails in the New Email List I have already sent the message too since they where labeled duplicated from the Mail Full Email List.

Questions: How can I delete these duplicate emails (over 200) from the New Email List? or How do I search and delete (or replace) multiple emails at once from an Email List.

I hope you understand the question.

Thank you.


Maxprog is my new favorite software company.


Staff member
Are you using MaxBulk Mailer? If so you can drop the duplicate list file to the list loaded into MaxBulk Mailer, you just need to name it 'delete.txt'. From the MaxBulk Mailer manual:

• To remove several addresses from a list at once create a plain text file named 'DELETE', add all the addresses to remove to it, save it and drop it onto the list to process inside MaxBulk Mailer.

• To unsubscribe several addresses from a list at once create a plain text file named 'UNSUBSCRIBE', add all the addresses to unsubscribe to it, save it and drop it onto the list to process inside MaxBulk Mailer.

• To keep addresses from a list create a plain text file named 'KEEP', add all the addresses to keep, save it and drop it onto the list to process inside MaxBulk Mailer. All other e-mails will be removed.

• To deactivate addresses from a list create a plain text file named 'DEACTIVATE', add all the addresses to deactivate, save it and drop it onto the list to process inside MaxBulk Mailer.