Entourage and links


New Member

it's very probably an entourage-problem, but maybe anyone here has a solution.
I've designed a nice Newsletter and made some test-sendings with it. All looks good and in Apple Mail or on an PC with Outlook everything works.
But with Entourage it screws up some links.
The links look in the HTML-source the following:

When I click on the link in Apple Mail the targeted site works correct.
In Entourage a Safari-window with the following URL opens:
It looks like it takes a part of the URL before the "?" and a part after the "?" and connects this together.
Any idea how to avoid this without changing the whole system of our site or writing a redirect-script?
Thanks a lot for any idea or help.



Staff member
So it is a problem with the code. Check if you are not using 'target=_blank' or any other 'target' parameter.


New Member
I use target. Why is this a problem?

<a href="http://www.merlin.ch/shop/product_info.php?cPath=7_11_59&products_id=100585" target="_blank">


Staff member
It is a problem because mail readers like Mac OS X Mail, Entourage or Outlook are not web browsers and sometimes they have problems with them. It has nothing to do with MaxBulk actually.