Email link inside of message text


New Member

Is there a way in the message text to place an email link to bring up a
reply or contact email.

I can do this on my website with html

<a href="mailto:youremailaddress">YourEmailAddress </a>

This does not work in the message text in MAxBulk.

Any Ideas?

Thanks, Bill


New Member
Thank for the response!

I've tried the hyperlink and its not working.

Heres the line for my email

<a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a>

It shows up in red type in the hyperlink list like it does not like it.

Looks like this in the brower preview in safari

[email protected]">[email protected]

When I send an email out, it looks just like the safari preview and does not work as an email link when clicked on.

Is my line correct or is there another email hyperlink I should try?

Thanks, Bill