Email bounce handler not working

Rick R

New Member
I would like to extract emails that have bounced back.
I tried several times to extract email addresses from returned emails on Mac OS Sierra 10.12.6 using IMAP as account. The program runs till the last and then no emails are extracted under bounces tab.

Then I disabled all rules and added two new ones which were for emails subjects that read. Not read xxxxxx and not read yyyyyy
I ran the program but not bounces showed up under bounces tab.

Please help me out on this.


Staff member
Have you tried to process your mailbox with POP? Note that the bounces have to be actually on your mailbox, I mean that if you fetch them with your mail software they are no longer there. In addition eMail Bounce Handler should be the very only software connected to your mail account. Using eMail Bounce Handler is explained here: Using eMail Bounce Handler efficiently

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